College Admission for Emerging Leaders - Spring 2025

Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 03/13/2025 at 11:00 AM (EDT)


Featuring outstanding faculty, this professional certificate provides participants from postsecondary institutions with a comprehensive understanding of college admission and student recruitment.


The basics

  • Intended audience: Prospective and newly hired admission staff working at an institution of higher education.
  • Cost: $230 for NACAC members, $410 for nonmembers.
  • Estimated completion time: Eight weeks (1.5-3 hours per week).
    • Participants have six months to access and complete the course.
  • Upon completion: A completion certificate and a digital badge.


Course description

In this course, participants will learn a comprehensive understanding of college admission and student recruitment in a convenient, self-paced, online format. Participants will gain a national, regional, and international perspective while learning about best admission practices across multiple dimensions.

In addition to short, topic-based modules that will be completed at each participant’s own pace, there will be three live Zoom sessions to meet with classmates and faculty members. Participants will discuss key topics and issues, review assignments, learn from smaller breakout groups, and network with their colleagues.


Course topics

  • Basics of Student Engagement
  • Basics of Data Analytics
  • Intro to Ethics in College Admission
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Intro to Financial Aid
  • Event Management & Budgeting
  • Self-Advocacy & Professional Growth
  • The Art of Storytelling
  • Building Rapport
  • Presenting to Office Leadership


Registration options

Cohort Start Date Live Session #1 Live Session #2 Live Session #3 Register
Spring Monday, March 3Thursday, March 13
(11-12:30pm ET)
Thursday, March 27
(11-12:30pm ET)
Thursday, April 10
(11-12:30pm ET)
Summer I Monday, June 16Tuesday, June 24
(11-12:30pm ET)
Tuesday, July 8
(11-12:30pm ET)
Tuesday, July 22
(11-12:30pm ET)
Summer II Monday, July 7 Tuesday, July 15
(11-12:30pm ET)
Thursday, Aug. 7
(11-12:30pm ET)
Tuesday, Aug. 19
(11-12:30pm ET)
Fall Tuesday, Oct. 14 Tuesday, Oct. 21
(11-12:30pm ET)
Tuesday, Nov. 4
(11-12:30pm ET)
Tuesday, Nov. 18
(11-12:30pm ET)

PLEASE NOTE: Registration is limited. All requests to switch cohorts, extend course access (by one month) or changes to course registrations will be subject to a $50 processing fee per person/per course. No refunds will be processed.  



  • $230 for NACAC members*
  • $410 for nonmembers

A $30 discount is available for offices with four or more participants registering for the same course. If your office would qualify for this discount, contact customer service for a promo code prior to registration.

*Unsure if you are a NACAC member? You may be eligible through your school or organization’s membership. Please email for more information.



For purchasing and billing questions, please email For questions about the course, please email

Program Director


Emma Adebayo is the senior associate director for recruitment, outreach, and communications at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Adebayo holds a bachelor’s degree from Case Western Reserve University and a master’s degree in educational administration from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In 2020, she completed a certificate in conflict management and resolution at Washington University in St. Louis. Adebayo’s decade-plus career in college admissions includes experience at several public flagship and private specialized universities across the midwest. She is passionate about discourse on college access, equity, staff development, and inclusion on both sides of the desk and is proud of her recent service to the National Association for College Admission Counseling as a co-chair for the Ad-Hoc Committee on Serving Next Generation College Counseling and Admission Professionals and continued work as the program director of the Professional Certificate: College Admission for Emerging Leaders program.

For more information about this course, including the list of program codirectors and faculty, please visit our course page on

Components visible upon registration.